Thursday, March 8, 2018

Happy International Women's Day!

March 8, 2018 ~ For me, I try to remain neutral on all social media outlets when talking about subjects such as religion, politics and sexual orientation. I personally would rather sit down, face-to-face and have a real conversation with someone to better understand, educate and comprehend a topic or subject. When I see a post on someone's social media page I don't take offense as I know that they are trying to understand or possibly make a point however many times it's taken in the wrong context which causes many comments (both positive and negative) to start taking place. Sometimes the originator of the post can keep the conversation going and asking questions or explaining in further detail however many times no comments are made by the originator of the post and this brings mixed messages.

We all are curious and have our own opinions about many things in life. For me, social media isn't the best place to discuss those things unless you are willing to start hard conversations, offend others, be offended or simply be called out on something that you may believe in. Those face-to-face conversations are so much deeper, you see the emotion and feel the passion in the other persons actions, facial expressions and body language. I do think that if you are going to use social media to talk about politics, religion, gender equality then you need to give as much details and then ask for what you are looking for. When you put something out there on social media that is open ended then it opens the doors for negativity, misunderstandings and confrontation....  which you all know I am not a fan of. I certainly don't judge someone because of there choice or stance on a subject instead I try my best to respect others thoughts and beliefs with the understanding that we must agree to disagree from time to time. Listening to someone elses perspective gives you a view that you may not have thought of or the chance to ask questions to better understand - never to make fun of someone.

Today, I will celebrate International Women's Day by always remaining positive, trying to inspire others and applauding the many amazing women throughout the world that have done some incredible things to make this world a better place. I am certainly proud of women who have taken a leap of faith (at times) and started their own business, raising a family (many times doing both at the same time) and took time to give back unselfishly to their communities and beyond. They are setting the tone for other women and young girls that with hard work and determination you can do just about anything you set your mind to! 

As a side note: I completely understand that there are physically some things that many women can not do that men can do however I am proud that behind many of these women are supportive men (husbands, fathers, sons, grandpas, etc.) that encourage us to pursue our dreams. 

As a woman I do my best to lift other women up while recognizing their potential. I often remind myself that we all started somewhere and I certainly remember the women (and some men) that wouldn't offer advice or even tell you anything about running a business in our early years. I learned quickly that I don't want to be that kind of woman. If I can give advice or talk to another woman about trials and tribulations of owning a business in an effort to support, encourage and over come obstacles as they move forward then I would gladly sit down and talk to them. It's not easy but it is worth it. 

I am the first person to admit that I am the hardest on myself by always doubting that I can do something. I have several women in my life that have been a mentor, even if never officially knowing it. Having such positive, motivated, hard working women that I keep close to me is worth more than gold. Just watching these women move mountains (although not literally) they have truly inspired me along the way and I can't imagine life without them in it. I can't name everyone but a handful of specific women would be my Momma, Sarah Hill, Christy Asper, Shefali Burns, my Golden Girls...

I also have a very close circle of friends and those people are very much a part of my tribe and I lean on them a lot as well. I appreciate every single one of these people and couldn't imagine life without them in it either! 

What can you do to recognize other women?
1. Nominate them for an upcoming award that they would be deserving of
2. Send them a hand written note with a positive message inside
3. Connect them with someone you may know to help them reach their goals and/or dreams
4. Encourage them to do something they have always wanted to do
5. Promote them and/or their business
6. Become a Mentor to someone or perhaps find a Mentor for yourself
7. Pass their name along, something of interest to them (ie: Board position, volunteer position)
8. Support something they are an advocate for
9. Listen more - There is a reason we have two ears and one mouth
10. Lead by example - Be your authentic self all day every day

My advice to any woman - don't ever be afraid to follow your dreams and your heart. Do you admire a successful woman? Then sit down for coffee, lunch or a glass of wine with her... I bet you'll be surprised to hear her story and things that shaped her life along the way. Life isn't perfect but leaning on key people will certainly help you reach your goals... don't ever give up! You may need to take a few steps back or possibly get knocked down (not physically) but always stand back up, put a smile on your face and determination in your heart because girls... you are gonna set this world on fire!

The color for International Women's Day is purple. Lilac's are my favorite flower and it would take truck loads of these beautiful smelling flowers to give one to each woman who inspires, does amazing things and doesn't let anything stand in her way... these flowers are for you!

Just a few of my favorite quotes -

1 comment:

  1. A captivating post, hiding a good Message for Every Lady, who wants to make her name!
