Friday, July 1, 2011
Wall of Honor
What a wonderful start to my Ambassador term! We had a ribbon cutting for Boone Landing to dedicate their "Wall of Honor". This wall pays tribute to the veterans who live or who are survived by spouses that live at Boone Landing. What an amazing ribbon cutting! Each of the veterans came up to help cut this ribbon and were so proud to be apart of this event! It warms my heart that Boone Landing would come up with this great idea to recognize the men and women that fought for our freedom. Anyone who has, currently serving or will serve our country should have a "Wall of Honor" as big as the sky. Often times the younger generation forgets about the older folks... not me. I am so appreciative of what they have done. These men and women lived away from their families for months and even years, slept in the cold or heat, laid on the ground when they went to bed, stayed in wet clothing for extended periods of time and always slept with one eye open. They missed many birthday's, holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas and just waited on one piece of mail from home to keep them in touch. Thank you to the men and women who gave the ultimate by signing a blank check to our country that might have taken their life. I will always remember.
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